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About Us

The Association of Breastfeeding Mothers (ABM) is a voluntary organisation founded in 1979 by mothers already experienced in breastfeeding counselling.

We became a charity in 1980 (and changed to a CIO in 2021, No. 1193445). As well as supporting mums and families and offering training, we speak for breastfeeding families at a national advocacy level.

What we do


Trained breastfeeding counsellors The ABM is a partner on the National Breastfeeding Helpline on 0300 100 0212 The NBH is open 24 hours a day, every day of the year.



All our members share an interest in breastfeeding. You don’t have to be a mother or have breastfed to become an ABM member or to take some of our courses. You will receive a copy of our magazine which is published three times a year.


Each ABM Breastfeeding Counsellor is trained to a high standard and can provide up to date, accurate, evidence-based information. We also train Peer Supporters, have a course for families and offer training for Health Professionals. See our training section for more information. 


Information Library:

Search here for our comprehensive breastfeeding information.



Our annual conference, whether it is online or in person, is a great place to meet other breastfeeding enthusiasts. We host knowledgeable speakers and practical workshops. It’s a friendly networking opportunity for our own volunteers and for anyone who’d like to learn more about breastfeeding.